Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤
Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤

Wing Joo Loong

Great Tonifying Warming Soup 十全大补暖身汤


Previously known as Shi Quan Da Bu Tang 十全大补汤

Greatly tonifies blood & vital energy

115g per pack


Great Tonifying Warming Soup is a versatile TCM formula. Its name literally refers to 'All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction', with the main function of tonifying Qi and blood, while warming the Yang (to make Qi and blood flow smoothly) and dispelling internal cold from the body.

Note: Shi Quan Da Bu Tang is now "Great Tonifying Warming Soup" with a new look! There's no change to the ingredients of the product.

● Tonifies Yin (blood) and Yang (Qi)
● Strengthens the spleen, thereby improving appetite and alleviating fatigue
● Replenishes Qi, blood, and Yang (especially after surgery and childbirth)
● Warms and tonifies the Yang to alleviate aversion to cold, including cold hands and feet
● Nourishes and regulates blood to improve dry skin, fatigue, mid-cycle spotting, absence of menstruation, irregular periods, and anaemia

As this is a warm formula, it is not recommended for individuals with 'heatiness' (excess heat) in their bodies. In TCM, 'heatiness' often manifests in symptoms such as dry stools or constipation, thick tongue coating, red eyes, ulcers, vulnerability to sore throat or fever, and feelings of vexation.

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