Wing Joo Loong Smoked Plum 乌梅
Wing Joo Loong Smoked Plum 乌梅
Wing Joo Loong Smoked Plum 乌梅
Wing Joo Loong Smoked Plum 乌梅

Wing Joo Loong

Smoked Plum 乌梅


Relieves dry and chronic coughs & stops diarrhea


In TCM, wū méi (Smoked Plum; 乌梅) has astringent properties and is commonly used to stabilise lung Qi and the intestines to alleviate cough and diarrhea.

● Relieves dry cough without phlegm and chronic cough with little phlegm due to lung deficiency
● Replenishes fluids in the body to relieve thirst
● Astringes the intestines to stop diarrhea, including chronic diarrhea and bloody diarrhea caused by intestinal infection
● Expels intestinal parasites
● Relieves abdominal pain and vomiting

Not recommended in cases of internal heat from excess and stagnation, or unresolved exterior disorders.


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