Dried scallops are a natural taste enhancer that is perfect for flavouring soups, stir-fries, stews, porridge or any savoury dish. Our high quality dried Hokkaido scallops are 100% authentic, with a rich natural umami flavour. In general, dried Hokkaido scallops are of higher quality than Chinese scallops due to the stringent production, process control and inspection they go through. Chinese scallops are usually made from frozen scallops and tend to have a saltier taste, whereas dried Hokkaido scallops are more fully flavoured and fragrant.
Dried scallops are generally graded based on the weight and size of each scallop. Larger scallops tend to be more fragrant and also more expensive than smaller ones.
As this is a natural product, white spots may be found on the scallops which come from the salt content present inside them.
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