In TCM, weak kidneys and liver can lead to fertility issues, hair greying, premature aging, weak bones and tendons, etc. He Shou Wu is widely used as a blood tonic. It tonifies the liver and kidney, and replenishes kidney essence and blood.
● Strengthens bones and tendons
● Blackens hair and prevents premature hair greying
● Treats dizziness, blurred vision, limpness of the loins and knees, nocturnal emission (wet dreams), ringing in the ears, and deafness due to deficiency in the kidneys and liver
● Promotes healthy aging and fertility
● Lowers blood cholesterol
Not recommended for individuals with loose stools or a severe case of phlegm-dampness (e.g. continuous cough with profuse white watery or foamy phlegm, lethargy, muscular aches and pain, swelling or water retention, etc).
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